Mindshow turns you into a VR actor in your own production

For all of the talk there is about content being the one thing that’s really missing in VR, it’s pretty difficult for consumers to dive into VR and really make anything.

Visionary VR is aiming to change that with their new product called Mindshow, which gives run-of-the-mill VR users the ability to dive into the medium and create a narrative from the perspective of the characters themselves.

Mindshow is an exercise in bringing content creation in VR to its most established extreme yet. Visionary VR has produced a tool that lets you define your environment, your interactive surroundings and the skin you inhabit. From there, it’s all about finding your childlike creativity and crafting something fun and memorable.

“It’s about getting the recognition of life in something inanimate—something you created—that’s the feeling we had when we were kids,” Visionary VR co-founder and CCO Jonnie Ross tells me.

I had the chance to get walked through a demo of Mindshow at VRLA by Visionary VR’s CEO Gil Baron. Of the dozens of demos I tried out at VRLA this weekend, Mindshow was the only one that left me both technically impressed and a little giddy.

There’s something inherently powerful about seeing a character with your voice and movements play out a scene in an environment that you can control. Add in the social element of being able to take scenes from your friends and alter them and your left with a goofy, light-hearted creative medium that’s a blast to play around with and only made possible by virtual reality tech.

In addition to the HTC Vive which I demoed it on, Ross and Baron tell me that Mindshow will be rolling out on the other major VR platforms including both the PSVR and Oculus Rift. Mindshow is still in its early stages of rollout and has just opened sign-ups for early access to the platform.

Source: TechCrunch

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