Microsoft emblazons its Surface Pro Type Covers with giant NFL logos

These are the sorts of perks you get when you produce the Official tablet of the NFL. Aside from a boatload of promotional videos and some serious sideline time at America’s most popular sport, Microsoft is showing some pigskin love with officially sanctioned NFL team Type Covers for the Surface Pro.

Ahead of the 2016 football season, the company is releasing a series of keyboard covers for its business tablet emblazoned with huge logos for all 32 NFL teams. Microsoft says it opted to go full-on with the branding after Paul Allen’s custom Surface 3 Seahawks cover proved a hit on Twitter — though the replies on the tweet also predictably turned into a customer support forum for people to complain about their issues with the tablet.

The Microsoft Surface Special Edition NFL Type Covers (it’s a mouthful, for sure) run a pricey $160 (RM644) (a $30 (RM121) premium over the non-branded variety). They’re available now through Microsoft and will be hitting Best Buy and Amazon by the end of the month, giving you roughly a week before the official kickoff of the season.

Source: TechCrunch

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