Now, Chinese company Haimawan has taken it a step further, with the launch of their MESUIT case. Like Lee’s earlier version, it houses hardware that runs a MESUIT-skinned version of the Android OS, and uses a custom built app to allow the iPhone to display it. The MESUIT also adds an external battery (either 1,700mAh or 2,500mAh) and an additional 16GB of storage space in the enclosure. The case also contains a second Nano SIM slot meant to allow ease of use with the Android OS. The MESUIT however, does lack some features that Lee’s homebuilt case offered, with no SD card, HDMI, or full-size USB ports.
But while Lee’s case was an interesting project, Haimawan’s MESUIT case is a commercial product, and is available for sale in China from Haimawan subsidiary Jijia’s website for ¥999.00 (approximately $150) the iPhone 6 / 6S model, or ¥1099.00 (approximately $165) for the larger iPhone 6 Plus / 6S Plus. Haimawan has not yet announced if the MESUIT will be available outside of China.
Sources: The Verge
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