The diminutive suited walking robot is capable of multitude of functions, apart from receiving and making calls, it allows you to send and receive emails, download apps, you can speak into it, has facial recognition feature to identify family and friends, a built in camera and a projector among other functions. RoboHon stands intelligently tall at 19.5cm and weighs approximately 390 grams, connects via 3G, LTE and WiFi and has a 2.0 inch display screen on the back.
Already popular and very much in demand in home country Japan, the pondering question is, will the dancing companion ever make it to Malaysia, or more crucially will anyone here pay top ringgit for it? What we discovered is that there just might be a possibility and that we might not have to wait to long. Sharp Roxy Malaysia could be importing limited units of RoboHon to gauge the interest level for the quirky animated man. Representatives from the local office told that despite the expensive price tag US$1595, (RM7000) the cute factor coupled with taste for luxury tech products is convincing enough.
So will you get one?
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